Articles Tagged with traumatic brain injury lawsuit

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If you have suffered a serious blow to the head that resulted from another’s negligence, you may have a strong claim for damages. An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney is necessary to help ensure you recover fair damages, given the potentially devastating and lifelong impact of such an injury.

Examples of traumatic brain injury causes that can warrant significant damages in Florida lawsuits include:

  • Auto accidents (including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents);
  • Defective products (toys, tools, cooking utensils, ladders, etc.);
  • Swimming pool/ drowning accidents;
  • Construction accidents;
  • Nursing home neglect or nursing home abuse;
  • Medical malpractice.

A recent study published in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, analyzed the physical, cognitive and psychosocial factors associated with mortality among those who suffer chronic traumatic brain injury. They analyzed nearly 1,200 decedents and more than 10,800 control subjects, finding those more likely to survive had independence in mobility (the most strongly-correlated/ important factor). Another key factor was the degree of community participation. Those who survived longer tended to be more involved socially.

Caregivers were instructed to focus on these points. A traumatic brain injury attorney analyzing a case will also be looking at all these factors, and how one’s quality of life has diminished since the injury, in ascertaining what degree of damages to ask of insurers (or more likely the judge or jury). Although many Fort Lauderdale personal injury claims are resolved in pre-trial settlements with the help of an attorney negotiated on your behalf, many traumatic brain injury cases are heavily disputed in some regard, primarily because insurers recognize the profound financial implications.  Continue reading →

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