The use of technology in medicine has enhanced the way that patients are treated and in many cases, improved results. A new technique using robotic surgery has raised hopes for medical professionals and patients to perform otherwise invasive surgeries with only one incision through the belly button. The robotic technology has been used to perform a range of surgeries including hysterectomies and gall bladder removals.
While any scientific advancement in medicine raises hopes for doctors and patients, the risks are often unknown until it is too late. In this case thousands of patients are suffering because of damage caused by robotic surgery. Our Fort Lauderdale medical injury attorneys are experienced with complex claims, including cases involving negligent doctors and hospitals. We are dedicated to protecting Florida’s patients and in preventing future injuries caused by dangerous medical devices or malpractice.
The surgery is performed by robotic device while a doctor stands on the sidelines at a console which allows for the virtual performance of the surgery. What was once considered a “breakthrough” in robotic surgery is now being scrutinized for the number of injuries caused to patients. Over the last few years, the surgery has been promoted and marketed, even as a number of patients suffered injuries and complications between 2008 and 2011.
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