Sinkholes have been a problem for developed areas in Florida for decades. What is a sinkhole? A sinkhole is a natural depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of ground surface layers. A sinkhole can be caused by chemical dissolution or collapse caused by man-made activities, including the collapse of a mine. Sinkholes are formed by the gradual removal of surface layers and may open up to a cave-like space underground. Many urban sinkholes are caused by natural water drainage and weather patterns.
After an injury or death caused by failed maintenance or a dangerous property defect, victims or their families can bring a claim against negligent individuals or entities. Sinkholes have become a problem throughout the state of Florida resulting in multiple injuries and death. Our Fort Lauderdale premises liability attorneys are experienced in the investigation and pursuit of claims involving property owner negligence. In the event of a sinkhole injury or accident, can you hold the property owner liable? Who is responsible in the event of a catastrophic or deadly sinkhole?
The cause of a sinkhole may be difficult to determine, but in Florida they can cause significant property and personal damage. If you were injured by a sinkhole while on private property, you may be able to take legal action against the homeowner, depending on the circumstances. Under premises liability theory, homeowners have a duty to ensure that proper is safe for those who enter. If a homeowner had warning signs that the foundation was shaky or that there was a sinkhole, the homeowner may be responsible for any injuries or death.
Further complicating matters, many homeowners insurance policies exclude sinkholes as a cause for recovery.
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