
Two Interstate Highway Accidents Shutting Down All Lanes

Intestate 95 was completely shut down after two semi-trucks were involved in two separate collisions just north of 45th Street. According to News Channel 5, both West Palm Beach Fire Rescue crews and officers with the Florida Highway Patrol were dispatched to the northbound lanes on I-95 just after 9:30 a.m.

The first of the accidents happened when five vehicles and a semi-truck collided. Officers believe that the heavy rain and the slick roadways were a contributing factor in this accident. In the second accident, a semi-truck and a passenger vehicle collided. The 18-year-old driver’s vehicle was completely smashed in the accident. Crews have not been able to determine if the car slammed up against a wall, if it flipped over or if it was run over by the truck. Everyone involved in these two accidents were taken to local hospitals and treated for their injuries. All lanes of the interstate were closed so that Trauma Hawk could land to pick up the young driver.

Our Riviera Beach accident lawyers understand that you’ve got to take an Interstate to get to most major cities in the state of Florida. We’ve got Interstate 4, Interstate 10, Interstate 75 and Interstate 95. These roadways help to connect Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee and many other popular areas in the state. These areas can be awfully dangerous if drivers aren’t alert and cautious.

One little fender bender can quickly turn into a catastrophic and deadly accident if drivers aren’t paying attention and driving defensively. Luckily, we’re here to offer you with some safe driving tips to help to keep you and your passengers safe during your next venture on one of Florida’s interstates!

When getting on the interstate:

-Increase your speed on the on-ramp to match vehicles already on the interstate. Make sure you have your blinker on. Make sure that you don’t cut any vehicles off. Most likely, cars will move over a lane and let you slide in, but that isn’t always the case. Be on the lookout for drivers who aren’t paying attention.

When changing lanes:

-Make sure that you always check your blind spots first. Make sure you have enough room and signal your blinker. Once you’ve made your lane change, disengage your blinker and keep it moving.

Watching your speed:

-Never go faster than the posted speed limit. You’re within your rights to go below the speed limit, but you want to make sure that you’re not serving as a road hazard for other cars. If your traveling slower than the traffic around you, scoot into the right lane.

When passing another vehicle:

-Make sure you check your surroundings. When it’s all clear, signal your blinker. Pass the vehicle without using excessive speed. Once you can see the headlights of the car you passed, you should enter back into the original lane and disengage your blinker.

Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez — 1-800-561-7777 for a free appointment to discuss your rights.

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