
Two Injured in Hit-and-Run Pedestrian Accident in Fort Lauderdale

A recent hit-and-run car accident in Fort Lauderdale left two pedestrians injured. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the accident happened on Northeast 4th Avenue in the early morning hours. One pedestrian, 40-years-old, was taken to Broward General Medical Center and was last listed in critical condition. A second pedestrian was injured after he was hit by the same car’s side mirror.

The female driver, 22-years-old, did not stop after the accident. Officers were able to locate and make an arrest after the suspect was followed by a witness. She is being charged with leaving the scene of an accident with bodily injury and careless driving. Authorities are awaiting the results of a DUI test as well.

As we recently reported on our South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, Florida is the most dangerous state in the country for pedestrian accidents. Florida holds the four top slots for most dangerous metro areas. Pedestrian accidents cost the state millions every year. It’s estimated that about 9 pedestrians die every week in the state. In addition to these fatalities, it’s estimated that another 6 pedestrians are injured every day.

In more than half of all fatal pedestrian accidents, the driver is at fault.

There are a few simple safety precautions that drivers in Florida can take to help reduce their risks of being involved in an accident with a pedestrian. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLDHSMV) encourages motorists of all kinds of to be cautious of our vulnerable pedestrians.

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents:

-Remember that pedestrians can be anywhere, even places where they’re not supposed to be found. Always keep an eye out for our on-foot travelers.

-Pedestrians can be difficult to see, especially when there’s bad weather or when it’s nighttime. During these times, slow down and keep an eye out.

-When driving near a crosswalk, slow down and be ready to stop.

-Always stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk, even if the crosswalk is not marked.

-When stopping for a pedestrian, stop well back so that other drivers will also be able to see them in time to stop, too.

-Never pass or overtake other cars that are stopped for pedestrians.

-When you’re making a turn, you have to wait for a “gap” in traffic. Remember that as you’re watching for the “gap,” pedestrians are looking for the “gap” as well.

-Be extra careful in residential and school areas where child pedestrians are likely.

-Never weave in and out of traffic when driving near areas in which pedestrians are likely. Not only does this increase your risks for a pedestrian accident, but it increases your risks for a car accident as well.

-Be careful when turning. Pedestrians can overlook your turn signals or may not recognize your desire to turn, always check and double check before making a turn.

-Be cautious when reversing, whether it be out of a parking spot or out of a driveway. Do so slowly and turn around constantly to remain aware of your surroundings.

If you or someone in your family has sustained an injury as the result of a traffic-related pedestrian in Fort Lauderdale, St. Lucie, Wellington or elsewhere throughout South Florida, contact Freeman, Mallard, Gonzalez & Sharp to discuss your rights. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-561-7777.

Additional Resources:

Police: Pedestrians injured after Lauderdale hit and run crash, by Linda Trischitta, Orlando Sentinel

More Blog Entries:

Pedestrian Injured by Dump Truck in Recent St. Lucie Traffic Accident, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, January 12, 2012

Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Fort Lauderdale after Driver’s Car Breaks Down, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, January 7, 2012

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