Articles Posted in personal injury


Property Damage Options When Involved in an Accident

The first thing you feel after being in a car accident where no one got injured is relief that the accident was not worse than it was. Only then do the worries about finances start. How much will it cost to fix your car? Will you be able to get…


Florida Punishes Car Owners Who Fail to Carry Insurance – PIP Setoff

  You probably have some kind of car insurance, since the law requires it. However, oftentimes you may not know what your car insurance actually pays until it’s too late. After a car accident, you call your insurance company, they might ask you follow-up questions by mail or phone, and…


What Duties Does a Condominium Owe Me If I Fall on their Property?

Aaron Papero, Esquire Freeman Injury Law So, you slipped or tripped and fell and injured yourself while in the common area of your condominium. What duty does the Condominium owe to you as a tenant or invited guest otherwise known as an “invitee”? Under Florida law, a landowner owes you…


Holiday Compensation Solicitors in South Florida Personal Injury Law

If you are injured while on holiday in Florida from Canada, Europe, Australia or elsewhere, you may be searching for holiday compensation solicitors in South Florida. reveals Canada has the most international visitors to Florida, followed by the United Kingdom, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Germany. An estimated 12 million…


Hundreds of Trampoline Park Child Injuries in South Florida

South Florida trampoline park injuries among children have seen a stunning rise, with an NBC6 investigation reporting nearly 300 falls and injuries at trampoline parks resulting in 911 calls, about 70 of those requiring paramedics. Among those calls were a 4-year-old boy with a sprained ankle and a 6-year-old girl…


Court: No Insurance Coverage for Security Guard Attack on Customer

A business liability insurer will not need to provide coverage to a convenience store faced with claims of negligent supervision arising from a physical altercation between the store’s security guard and a customer. According to records from the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the incident happened in 2009 at a convenience store…


Fighting Doctrine of Avoidable Consequences in Florida Torts

The doctrine of avoidable consequences, sometimes referred to as the “duty to mitigate,” is an affirmative defense that can be raised by defendants in personal injury cases to argue the plaintiff was partially or fully responsible due to failure to exercise reasonable care to reduce the injury or damages suffered. …


Open and Obvious Defense in Florida Premises Liability Injury Lawsuits

A Florida personal injury that occurs on someone else’s property can in some circumstances be compensated under the legal theory of premises liability. These theory opines that property owners owe varying degrees of duty to protect lawful visitors (and sometimes even lawful visitors) from unreasonable risk of harm. This could…


Tech Firm Sued for Florida Personal Injury at Store

When an employee causes injury to someone else in the course and scope of employment, their employer can be held vicariously liable for those injuries. The legal doctrine is called respondeat superior, which is Latin for, “Let the master answer.”  Of course, an employer could also be found directly liable…


Stand Your Ground Immunity Not Transferable From Criminal to Civil Cases, Florida Justices Rule

The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that “Stand Your Ground” immunity granted in criminal cases cannot be automatically transferred to civil cases filed in response to the same incident.  The standard of proof in a criminal case – beyond a reasonable doubt – differs from that in a civil case…

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