Articles Posted in Orlando medical malpractice lawyer


How Long Does a Medical Negligence Claim Take? Orlando Medical Malpractice Lawyer Weighs In

One of the most frequently-asked questions of an Orlando medical malpractice lawyer is: How long does a medical negligence claim take? It’s an important one, so we understand why it is raised so often. However, the best answer we can give is: It depends.  Some medical negligence claims can take…


Florida Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Rarely Lead to Medical Board Discipline

Medical malpractice lawsuits in Florida are an indication to the state’s Department of Health that a doctor may be a potential danger to current and future patients. Regardless of the outcome of the case, the state is required by law to review those cases, identify problem doctors and take appropriate…


Loss of Chance Doctrine in Florida Medical Malpractice Claims

In most medical malpractice lawsuits, plaintiffs have to prove “but-for” causation. What this means is but for the negligence of the medical professional, plaintiff would not have suffered an adverse outcome.  However, this burden of proof would leave those who already had terminal conditions or residual chances of survival or…


Birth Injury Lawsuit Alleges NICU Nurse Injured Newborn

There is a lot of anxiety that comes along with being a new parent. One of those sources of anxiety shouldn’t be the doctors and nurses trusted to take care of your baby. Unfortunately, severe birth injuries and infant deaths caused by medical malpractice are more common than some people…


2nd DCA: Florida Med-Mal Injury Damage Caps Unconstitutional

Florida’s 2nd District Court of Appeal has joined the 4th DCA in its finding that damage caps in medical malpractice injury lawsuits are unconstitutional. These damage caps, enacted by a 2003 overhaul of state law by then-Gov. Jeb Bush, limit the amount of money injury plaintiffs can receive for pain…


Tillson v. Lane – “Loss of Chance” Doctrine in Medical Liability Cases

Plaintiff in the medical malpractice case of Tillson v. Lane will have the opportunity to take his case to trial, following the Vermont Supreme Court’s reversal of an earlier trial court ruling that granted summary judgment to defendant on the “Loss of Chance” doctrine. The “Loss of Chance” doctrine, while…

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