
Articles Posted in injuries at school


Student Concussion Injury Lawsuit Against School Settled for $7.1M

A school district in California has agreed to pay $7.1 million to a former high school football player who sued for personal injuries after he reportedly suffered permanent brain damage stemming from the failure of his coach to recognize his concussion after a game. The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the…


Court: Colleges Owe Duty of Care to Protect Students

Amid ongoing incidents of violence at schools and colleges, the California Supreme Court has ruled that colleges DO owe their students a duty of care to protect them from foreseeable violence during curricular activities. This responsibility, the court ruled, was owing to the power dynamic between schools and students, which…


Florida School Shooting Victims Mull Lawsuit Against Authorities

The horrific events of last month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County left 17 people killed and dozens of people wounded. It also left the community, the state and the nation reeling, once again trying to make sense of the whys and the hows and who should…


School District Liability for Student Injury Weighed

We send our children to school with the expectation that the grounds are reasonably safe and the kids will be properly supervised. When this is not the case and an injury results, it could be grounds for litigation.  Generally, personal injury lawsuits against school districts tend to be tricky because,…

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