Articles Posted in child injury


Overcoming Sovereign Immunity: Holding Government, Workers Accountable in Florida Injury Lawsuits

The sovereign immunity doctrine in Florida bars lawsuits in state court against a state government, as well as its agencies and subdivision, absent governmental consent. Although proponents of this theory say it allows for governmental discretion by allowing officials to engage in flexible decision-making without risk of liability and protects…


Child Facial Injuries Preventable

Facial trauma, which is also formally referred to as maxillofacial trauma, is any type of physical trauma to one’s face. It can involve soft tissue injuries, like lacerations, burns or fractures, as well as trauma such as eye injuries.  Particularly when it comes to children, we know many of these…


Doctors: Stop Using Crib Bumpers for Babies

The holidays are fast-approaching, and baby gifts are especially popular for those who are expecting. Baby bedding – including cribs, sheets and crib lining – is a $50 million annual industry. But concerns over crib safety have been mounting in recent years. It’s what led to the recall and eventual…


Florida Child Drowning Continues to be a Risk

Florida’s children under 5 are more at risk of drowning here than in any other state. Every single year, the number of children who drown could fill up three preschool classrooms.  These deaths are totally preventable, and may be the result of negligence by caregivers and/or property owners. Just last…

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