
South Florida Brain Injuries: Concussions No Minor Matter

It may take days, and sometimes even weeks, after suffering a concussion before you feel like you’ve fully recovered. But pictures of your brain may say otherwise.

According to the Smithsonian, there’s a good chance that lingering abnormalities may be detectible by MRI as long as four months after a concussion. A new study published in the journal Neurology shows us just how serious and complex the healing process can be — even for a mild concussion.

Our Jupiter personal injury attorneys understand that behavioral symptoms typically heal more quickly than physiological injuries in the brain. There are many factors that play into the healing process of a concussion, including severity of injury, victim age, how healthy they were before the concussion, and how they take care of themselves after the injury. Ignoring your symptoms and trying to “tough it out” often makes symptoms worse. Be patient because healing takes time. Only when your symptoms have reduced significantly, in consultation with your health care professional, should you slowly and gradually return to your daily activities, such as work or school.

Andrew R. Mayer, a neuroscientist at the University of New Mexico, led a study to see just how much we actually heal from a concussion. According to results, concussion victims displayed severe signs of concussions right after the accident, compared to those who had not been injured. All subjects were revisited four months later. At this time, they performed relatively similarly in behaviors tests but the concussion patients still showed neurological changes in the left hemisphere of their brains.

If you’ve suffered a concussion, it’s important that you have it thoroughly monitored by a medical professional. What may seem like a minor head injury could result in lasting impairment.

If you already had a medical problem at the time of your concussion, it may take longer for you to recover from your brain injury. Anxiety and depression may also make it harder to adjust to the symptoms of brain injury.

You should never return to strenuous activities (including sports) while you still have signs of a concussions, like dizziness or headache. If you’ve suffered memory loss or loss of consciousness, you may not be able to return to heavy activity in 2 to 4 weeks. But once you feel back to “normal” your mind may argue otherwise.

Determining when the brain has fully recovered is critical to the long-term health and wellbeing of someone who has sustained an initial concussion.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is a problem only for those playing sports. The truth is that a concussion can be the result of banging your head on a piece of furniture, being in a minor car accident or even tripping over your dog in a dark hallway and bumping your head against the wall.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury, contact Freeman Injury Law for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 1-800-561-7777.

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