
Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents in Your Home

Accidents can strike at any moment — event in your own home. To help to prevent some of the top causes of unintentional injury and fatality, officials with the National Safety Council (NSC) are pushing a new campaign — “Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls.” It’s all a part of National Safety Month.

Our slip and fall accident attorneys understand that falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional injuries and fatalities in homes across the nation. It’s time we put an end to these incidents. And we’re here to help you to do so. This is especially important for our older residents.

Each and every year, one out of every three adults age 65 and older falls. These kinds of accidents can cause moderate to severe injuries, such as head injuries and hip fractures, and they can also increase the risk of early death. Fortunately, falls are a public health problem that is largely preventable.

How serious is the problem?

-Falls are common in older people and the risk of falling increases with increasing age.

-Among elderly residents, falls are the number one cause of injury death.

-Falls are the most common cause of serious injuries and hospital admissions for trauma.

-In 2010, there were close to 2.5 million fall injuries (resulting in emergency room visits) among our elderly residents.

-There were close to 1 million elderly patients hospitalized after a fall injury.

-In 2010, the medical costs resulting from fall accidents were roughly $30 billion.

-More than 50 percent of the older adults who are discharged for fall-related hip fractures will experience another fall within six months.

-Falling is not only caused from physical things, but the psychological aspect can play a pretty big role as well.

-The most profound effect of falling is the loss of functioning associated with independent living.

How can you prevent fall accidents?

-Make sure you are exercising regularly. With this movement, you can help to strengthen your balance and your strength. Consider Yoga or Tai Chi.

-Talk to your doctor about the medicines you’re taking. You want to make sure that none of them have any side effects that could affect your balance or concentration — like dizziness of drowsiness.

-Get your eyes checked by your optometrist. You should do this at least once a year. You want your vision to be maximized to make sure you can locate trip and fall hazards — and avoid them.

-You can make your home work for you. By adding grab bars and railings, you can reduce your risks for a fall accident.

To reduce your risk of a hip fracture, should you experience a fall accident, make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamin D. You should also avoid weight bearing exercised and make sure you’re getting screened regularly for osteoporosis.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a fall accident, contact Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez, LLC for legal advice about your rights. Call for a free and confidential consultation at 1-800-561-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Walmart Pays $1M for Slip-and-Fall Accident, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, February 13, 2013

Fort Lauderdale Falls Most Common Among Older Adults, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, June 22, 2011

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