
Miami parasail accident injures tourists; Rental jet ski accidents also a summer danger

A Chicago man and his 6-year-old daughter were injured in a parasail accident on Monday, the Miami Herald reported.

Freeman & Mallard offers free and confidential appointments to tourists injured at attractions or on rental equipment — including parasails and Jet Skis — throughout South Florida, including Miami, Margate, Hollywood, Coral Gables and West Palm Beach.

In this case, the parasail malfunctioned and bounced them across the water and into a seawall, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Rental jet skis and other water attractions pose a serious threat to the health and safety of tourists. When a tourist is injured in a Miami accident or accident elsewhere in South Florida, a rental company, parasail business or other attraction can often be held liable for the injuries.

Jet Ski and watercraft rentals are particularly dangerous. About one-third of all serious watercraft accidents injure riders with fewer than 10 hours of experience; Nearly three-quarters of accidents involve riders with fewer than 100 hours of experience. More than 150 riders were seriously injured in Florida personal watercraft accidents last year, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Miami-Dade and Broward County are ranked fourth and fifth in the state for the number of serious watercraft accidents. Like watercraft rental companies, parasailing operations have an obligation to ensure tourists and guests enjoy the water safely. When someone is injured, the company can and should be held responsible.

In this case, the father and daughter went up on the parasail about 5 p.m. Monday in the waters east of Miami’s Bayside Marketplace. The parasail had trouble during the trip and went down, dragging the pair through the water until the rope broke. At one point the two collided with a seawall until a gust of wind shot them back into the air and then dropped them onto the ground.

Both were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital for treatment.

If you have been injured in an accident in West Palm Beach, Margate, Hollywood Coral Gables or the surrounding area, contact 1800LawCenters for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 1-800-529-2368.

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