
Intersections common site of Palm Beach car accidents

Our Fort Lauderdale accident lawyers frequently report about the risks of car accidents in intersections if motorists don’t proceed through them with caution. Many motorists speed through intersections, especially if the traffic signal is yellow, causing a high risk for a West Palm Beach car accident or pedestrian accident.

In 2009, almost 21% of total fatalities occurring on U.S. roadways were at intersections, according to a recent report by U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Intersections are considered one of the most complex traffic situations due to the fact that you have different crossings and entrances from both drivers and pedestrians. Paying attention and knowing who has the right of way plays a key role in avoiding intersection-related accidents.

There were over 4,500 fatal crashes in 2009 at U.S. intersections with traffic control devices according to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System used by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Florida reported 289 fatalities at intersections with a traffic signal, and another 198 fatalities at intersections with stop signs in 2009.

NHTSA reported 51 intersection or intersection-related fatalities in Broward County for 2009. This number is reduced substantially from the previous 4 years where the average death at intersection crashes was 85.5 per year from 2005 to 2008.

Palm Beach County reported 61 crash fatalities at intersections in 2009. Though the average from 2005-2009 was slightly lower than Broward County, the highest number of fatalities at intersections in Palm Beach County was in 2007 when there were 93 deaths reported.

Red-light runners are often the biggest culprit in causing intersection crashes. One solution many large cities are testing, as we recently posted on our Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney Blog is the impact of red-light cameras when placed at intersections.

Studies are showing red-light cameras are reducing the number of fatalities occurring in intersection-related accidents.

Organizations like FHWA, NHTSA, AAA, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials are making a valiant effort to recognize intersections as a safety issue. Together they are combining resources to make a difference and help reduce the problem. Over the last 25 years, death tolls at intersections haven’t really changed much despite more refined measures of traffic control devices. A need for improvement still remains throughout the entire country to reduce the number of deaths occurring in intersection or intersection-related crashes

Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez are motivated attorneys with years of experience in fighting for the rights of personal injury victims. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in West Palm Beach, Margate, Miami, Port St. Lucie, or Fort Lauderdale, call 1-800-529-2368 for a free appointment to discuss your claim.

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