
Fewer car accidents expected in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Port St. Lucie

State officials report that Florida traffic deaths have reached an all-time low. When the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and the Florida Department of Transportation release the state’s detailed traffic reports later this summer, the results will likely show fewer car accidents in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce.

Fatal Florida traffic accidents declined to 2,563 in 2009, nearly a 1,000 fewer than the 3,533 recorded in 2005. The 9 percent decline from the 2,983 deaths reported in 2008 brings the fatality rate to 1.3 deaths per 100 million miles traveled, the lowest rate ever recorded in Florida.

“The safety of our residents and visitors is a top priority, and reducing fatalities on our roadways is a step in the right direction,” said Florida Governor Charlie Crist. “I commend our safety advocates and law enforcement officers who ensure that Florida remains a safe place to work and play.”

Officials touted increased safety efforts, including the state’s new primary enforcement seat belt law, while acknowledging fewer visitors and the economic downturn also played an important role.

The entire report for 2009 will be released later this summer. Meanwhile our Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers share some key facts from the 2008 report:

-Florida drunk driving accidents claimed 1,169 lives.
-Motorcycle accidents killed 532 riders and 8,519 were injured.
-118 riders were killed in bicycle accidents and 4,380 were injured.
-Pedestrian accidents resulted in 502 deaths and 7,878 injuries.
-A total of 193 teen drivers and passengers died in car accidents.

-A total of 346,610 drivers were involved in 243,342 crashes, or an average of 665 crashes per day. Those figures mean that a traffic accident occurs every two minutes somewhere in Florida.

-More than 111,000 people were injured, including almost 24,000 who suffered incapacitating injuries — 25 people are seriously injured in a Florida car accident for every person who is killed.

Most frequent causes of fatal Florida traffic accidents:

-Careless Driving: 504 fatalities.
-Alcohol Use: 428 fatalities.
-Failure to Yield: 250 fatalities.
-Left of Center: 161 fatalities.
-Excessive Speed: 161 fatalities.

Traffic Accidents by County:
-Miami-Dade: 43,376
-Broward: 26,417
-Palm Beach: 13,831
-St. Lucie: 2,288

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Port St. Lucie, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale or the surrounding areas, contact Freeman & Mallard today for a free consultation. 1-800-529-2368.

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