
Fatal Traffic Accidents in Boca Raton and Elsewhere Often Preventable

It’s the summer time and a lot of Floridians are taking those much-needed vacations and are heading to the nearest beach to do so! Others from around the country will be hopping in their cars and making their vacation destination the state of Florida, too.

With the summer traffic, we see an increase in the risks for car accidents in Boca Raton and elsewhere. For this reason, officials with the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are stepping forward and are helping drivers to make their trips as safe as possible.

Our Boca Raton car accident attorneys understand that there were nearly 2,500 people who were killed in traffic accidents in the state of Florida in 2010.

Unfortunately, many of these accidents were completely preventable, meaning that they were accidents resulting from drunk driving, from distracted driving and from road rage. These are all actions that could have been stopped and lives that we didn’t have to lose. We’re asking drivers to be on their best behavior behind the wheel to help to reduce this number and to make our roadways safer for everyone.

Florida car accident statistics in 2010, from the NHTSA:

-There were nearly 950 car accident fatalities that happened in rural Florida areas.

-Urban Florida areas saw nearly 1,500 car accident fatalities.

-There were more than 650 fatalities resulting from drunk driving car accidents.

-Nearly 560 fatalities were speed-related.

-Of the near 2,500 fatalities, nearly 400 were of motorcyclists.

-There were more than 3,425 drivers involved in these accidents.

-Pedestrians accounted for nearly 500 of these traffic-related fatalities.

To help to bring these stats down this year, officials with the NHTSA offer the following safety tips:

-Avoid distractions. Drivers should never interact with cell phones, text messaging devices, GPS devices, the radio/cd player, activities with passengers or other distractions while behind the wheel.

-Make sure that you’re well-rested before setting out on your road trip.

-Avoid drunk driving. If you’re going out and alcohol will be included in your night, make sure that you have a sober ride home.

-Always make sure that everyone in the vehicle is buckled in during every car ride.

Safe, alert and responsible driving habits are key in working to reduce the risks of a potentially fatal car accident. Like we said before, many of the car accidents that we see on our roadways are completely preventable. Your actions behind the wheel can make or break your vacation trip. We’re asking you to be careful out there this summer and let’s all work together to make our roadways as safe as possible.

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a traffic accident in Boca Raton, St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale or elsewhere in the South Florida area, contact Freeman, Mallard, Gonzalez & Sharp to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case. Call us today at 1-800-561-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Fatalities in Car Accidents in Stuart and Elsewhere Minimized with Seat Belts, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, June 23, 2012

Pedestrian Accident in St. Lucie County Leaves Young Pedestrian Dead, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, June 16, 2012

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