
Drowsy driving a cause of car accidents throughout South Florida, including West Palm and Fort Lauderdale

Drowsy driving is the cause of a significant number of Palm Beach car accidents and traffic accidents throughout South Florida. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated at least 100,000 traffic accidents are the direct result of fatigued driving each year.

The government estimates these crashes lead to more than 1,550 traffic deaths and 71,000 injuries each year, though any accurate estimate is difficult for a number of reasons, including lack of reporting requirements. In countries with better reporting, including England and Australia, drowsy driving is responsible for as many as 30 percent of all crashes.

Our Palm Beach injury lawyers encourage drivers to remain aware of the dangers of driving while tired and urge you to follow the necessary safety precautions while behind the wheel.

The National Sleep Foundation provides the following information for motorists:

Scope: Sixty percent of drivers, or about 168 million people, admit to driving while drowsy within the last year. One-third acknowledge having fallen asleep while behind the wheel.

At Risk: The most at-risk drivers are those ages 18 to 29. Men are more likely to drive while drowsy than women and are almost twice as likely to fall asleep at the wheel. Shift workers are also at high risk, as well as those who sleep less than 6-7 hours a night. Impaired drivers and drivers with sleeping disorders are also at increased risk of falling asleep behind the wheel.

Other Drowsy Driving Facts:

-Drivers who are drowsy are more likely to experienced stress, get impatient or drive faster.

-Only about 1 in 5 drivers admitted to pulling over when experiencing sleepiness while behind the wheel.

-Drivers tend to fall asleep more on high-speed, long, boring, rural highways.

-Most accidents or near-accidents occur between 4 and 6 a.m. Midnight to 4 a.m. are also peak times.

-One-quarter of adults say they know someone who has crashed while falling asleep at the wheel.

Freeman & Mallard is a personal injury and wrongful death law firm dedicated to helping motorists who have been injured in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and the Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce areas. Call today for a free consultation. 1-800-529-2368.

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