
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect


Elderly Population Expected to Expand, Increasing Risks of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in West Palm Beach and Elsewhere

They’re questions that many of us wonder. What if our loved ones need medical assistance and no one’s there? What if they slip and fall? What if they slip into a fog of dementia? They’re common questions asked about our elderly loved ones. In many cases, thousands of miles separate…


Staffing Cuts at Florida Nursing Homes Increase Risk of Nursing Home Neglect in Pompano Beach, Statewide

The news of more cuts being made in Florida nursing homes has our nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers in Pompano Beach and elsewhere in South Florida concerned about the impact this will have on elder care in long-term facilities. It is important that elders get the quality care and…


Abuse and Neglect a Concern at For-Profit Nursing Homes in Fort Lauderdale, Elsewhere

As a former hospital CEO, Governor Rick Scott doesn’t see through the looking glass from the perspective of a nursing home resident who relies on Medicaid and around-the-clock care to get through the day. Fort Lauderdale nursing home neglect lawyers know that the recent cuts made by Governor Scott will…


State Cuts Elderly Dollars Leading to a Higher Risk of South Florida Nursing Home Accidents

The recent decision of Florida’s Legislative Budget Committee to reject federal Money Follows the Person (MFP) dollars is an outrage to nursing home residents and their families. “What are Florida policymakers doing to help protect nursing home residents,” writes Brian Lee in The Gainesville Sun. He is the Executive Director…


State loosens regulations on nursing home industry, which could lead to more cases of elder abuse and neglect in West Palm Beach, elsewhere

West Palm Beach nursing home neglect lawyers know the stress a family goes through when they discover their parent or loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home or assisted living facility. We expect elder care facilities to treat our elders as if they were their own…


Fort Lauderdale nursing home neglect and abuse a risk in nursing home chains, both large and small

Giant nursing home corporations continue to remain wildly profitable and wildly popular with investors, even as health and welfare advocates voice concerns about the profit motive behind the nation’s elder care and the risks of neglect and abuse. Our Fort Lauderdale nursing home neglect lawyers and West Palm Beach elder…


Cases of South Florida nursing home abuse range from simple neglect to the macabe

A 76-year-old resident of the Gainesville Health Care Center was found to have maggots in his eye socket during an examination at a Veterans Administration facility. The Gainesville nursing home where the eye-cancer survivor resides is part of a chain controlled by Maxcine Darville, who was the subject of a…

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