Posit Science, a popular brain fitness company, recently teamed up with various AAA clubs across the country as well as the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety to launch a brand new computer program that is to be used to help elderly drivers to stay safe behind the wheel and avoid a potentially fatal accident in Hallandale Beach and elsewhere. The brain program was also designed to help extend elderly drivers’ years on our roadways.
As we’ve recently discussed, elderly drivers tend to be a little safer behind the wheel than newly-licensed drivers, but the risks of traffic accidents among elderly drivers start to increase at the age of 65. These increases are mainly the result of fragility, which is exactly what makes them less likely to survive an auto accident. In this sense, they’re more of a risk to themselves than to other motorists.
Our Hallandale Beach personal injury attorneys understand that many drivers may associate giving up their keys with giving up their independence. That’s not true! It’s important to reiterate that giving up the keys and giving up driving, when necessary, will help an elderly driver to live longer and maintain their independence for an extended amount of time. Still, it’s the talk about the dangers and the forfeiting of the driving that scares a lot of families and elderly drivers, according to Tech Zone.
“Adult children are put in a tough position having to decide between taking away the keys and fearing a harmful crash involving their elderly parents,” said Peter Kissinger with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
Senior driving safety and the concern about deteriorating mobility issues fueled the pair’s DriveSharp development of the brain exercise program. With this brain exercise, drivers of all ages can actually train the brain to work faster and more efficiently behind the wheel to help to increase their performance and reduce risks of an accident.
Kissinger says that he’s read a number of articles regarding brain exercises for drivers. All of the articles and all of the studies prove that practice and exercise helps to increase brain function and it helps to decrease the risks for accidents while increasing drivers’ confidence behind the wheel. He suggests this program for all drivers, not just elderly drivers.
After completing the exercise, drivers typically saw:
-A gain of more than 20 feet in stopping time at 55 miles per hour, signifying faster reactions time.
-A near 50 percent reduction in the number of at-fault accidents in a five-year period.
-A near 40 percent reduction in dangerous maneuvers behind the wheel.
-Greater confidence in various driving scenarios.
-A 40 percent less risk of driving cessation
If you or an elderly driver in your family has been injured or killed in an accident in Hallandale Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or elsewhere in the South Florida area, the Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers at Freeman & Mallard can help you understand your rights and are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call today to schedule a free and confidential review of your rights, 1-800-561-7777.
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