
Landscaper Falls from Ladder in Fort Lauderdale Work Accident

Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue recently responded to a call reporting that a landscaper had fallen off of his 20-foot ladder while working on a home on the 600 block of North Victoria Park Road. The man sustained serious injuries during the fall and was transported to Broward General Medical Center, according to the Orlando Sentinel. He was reportedly knocked unconscious when he made the 20-foot drop to the ground below.

According to Fort Lauderdale police, there was a power line located just 6 feet from the tree the man was trimming. Officials spotted a pruner attached to an aluminum pole. Officials believe that the power line was the cause of an explosion and the Fort Lauderdale work accident.

Our Broward injury lawyers understand that lawn maintenance is not only a paid job for some, but a necessity for many. With the beautiful weather year round, yard work, gardening and other outdoor activities are very popular. Workers and residents are urged to be extremely careful when working near powerlines. Always take the proper safety measures to help keep you safe when working at height.

Safety tips for yard work, provided by Alliance: An OSHA Cooperative Program:

-Use mechanical lifting machines to lift heavy objects. Attempting to lift heavy things up yourself can result in serious, permanent and costly injuries to your neck, back and shoulders.

-If you think something weighs more than 50 pounds, ask for help.

-Exercise. Stretch before tackling yard work. Stretching helps to loosen your muscles and to reduce your risks of injury,

-Take breaks often, especially during our hot Florida afternoons.

-Make sure your familiar with the mowing equipment that you’ll be operating. You should be aware of the safety features, the capacity and the characteristics of the machinery.

-Make sure that all areas are prepared in advance. Be sure to move all dangerous objects off of the property before starting work.

-Always wear the proper footwear and protective gear when working in a yard.

-Keep hydrated. It’s hot out there and landscapers are highly susceptible to hear stress if the proper safety precautions are not taken. Drink plenty of water and take plenty of breaks in the shade.

-Don’t be afraid to ask questions. When you get a new piece of machinery, don’t be afraid to ask your boss or a store employee about safety tips regarding the use of the product.

-Do not rush. It’s better to not finish the job than to finish quickly and increase your risks of injury.

-Be careful when landscaping around swimming pools. Always cover pools before starting.

According to recent statistics from emergency room and hospital records that were compiled from 1996 to 2004, nearly 663,500 people were taken to the emergency room because of lawn mower accidents. Another 12,000 people were admitted into a hospital for the same incidents.

Mowing hazards are also very common when landscaping. Injuries oftentimes result as cuts, burns and fractured toes. Men landed in the hospital five times more than women during landscaping accidents that involved a lawnmower.

All landscaping employees and residents who enjoy working in the yard are encouraged to be safe. Employers are to ensure that employees are provided with the proper equipment for the job, the proper training for the equipment and the proper safety gear to protect them from possible dangers on the job.

The West Palm Beach personal injury lawyers at Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez has been successfully and aggressively representing accident victims and their families in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Ft. Pierce /Port St. Lucie for years. Call us today to schedule a no-obligation appointment to discuss your case at 1-800-529-2368.

Additional Resources:

Landscaper seriously hurt in fall from ladder in Fort Lauderdale, by Juan Ortega, Sun Sentinel

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