
Intersections a Top Spot for Car Accidents in Palm Beach Gardens and Elsewhere

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, intersection car accidents in Palm Beach Gardens and elsewhere throughout Florida are a huge cost to society in terms of property damage, lost productivity, injury and even death.

Statistics reveal that roughly 40 percent of all traffic accidents in the state happen at intersections or as motorists approach intersections. In 2003, there were nearly 100,000 intersection accidents in the state. In these collisions, nearly 1,000 people died and another 107,500 were injured.

Our Palm Beach Gardens car accident lawyers understand that intersections can be dangerous for everyone, not just motorists. Pedestrians and bicyclists also face serious accident risks in these areas if travelers aren’t cautious. Motorists are especially cautioned to be careful at intersections during rush hour when traffic volumes are at their highest and accidents are more likely.

This is the fourth entry of a 6-part blog in which we are asking Florida drivers to make one of their New Year’s resolutions to be a better driver in 2012. By making a resolution to be more careful and cautious behind the wheel and when traveling through intersections, we can all do our part to make our state’s roadways safer for everyone. Traffic collisions at intersections oftentimes are the result of high speeds, reckless drivers, inattentive drivers and because of visibility reductions. Knowing what your risks are for an intersection accident and ways to avoid these dangers can help to reduce your risks of a potentially fatal intersection car accident.

Safety Tips for Drivers at Intersections:

-Make sure you always make a complete stop at stop signs. During your stop, be sure to look for oncoming traffic from all directions before proceeding.

-Check for oncoming cars twice before continuing through an intersection. Even if you have the right of way at the intersection, be cautious of other motorists in case they fail to yield for your vehicle.

-Always expect the unexpected. You should never assume that other vehicles will stop for you.

-Drivers don’t always abide by traffic signals. Be on the lookout for red-light runners.

-If you’re making a turn at an intersection, keep your eyes out for bicyclists and pedestrians who may be using the crosswalk.

-Always use your turn signals when turning at an intersection. This will help to alert drivers of your desired movements.

At an intersection, you never want to:

-Run a red light.

-Roll through a stop sign.

-Follow another vehicle.

-Rely on other vehicles giving you the right of way.

-Make unsafe left-hand turns.

The second most common traffic ticket issued to drivers in the state Florida is red-light running, In 2006, there were more than 391,000 traffic tickets issued for this violation. Intersections continue to be some of the most common places for car accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident at an intersection in Palm Beach Gardens or elsewhere throughout South Florida, contact the personal injury lawyers at Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez LLC. Call for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights at 1-800-529-2368.

More Blog Entries:

Florida Still Pushing for Laws to Curb Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Miramar and Elsewhere, Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney Blog, December 20, 2011

Life Lost in Car-Motorcycle Accident in St. Lucie County, Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney Blog, November 29, 2011

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