
Accident at Tri-Rail Crossing in Fort Lauderdale Kills Bicyclist

A middle-aged bicyclist is dead, following a Tri-Rail train accident in Fort Lauderdale. The accident happened as the bicyclist attempted to cross the tracks at NW 82nd Street at about 7 a.m., according to NBC Miami. According to Fort Lauderdale Police, the train was heading north and had just passed through the intersection when the bicyclist started to head westbound across the tracks. As the bicyclist was crossing the tracks in the median section of the road, the train coming from the other way slammed into him. The bicyclist was transported to North Broward Medical Center, where he died shortly before 10 a.m. The man is reportedly in his late 50s and is about 6 feet tall. Officials have yet to determine the man’s identity.

“The traffic control arms for the railway were in the down position, preventing vehicles from crossing the tracks,” Fort Lauderdale Police said.

Our Fort Lauderdale train accident lawyers cross over train tracks every week just like many other residents of the area. It’s important to be cautious and alert in these areas to help to avoid an accident. In 2009, there were more than 136,040 public at-grade crossings in the country. Luckily, more than 42,300 of the crossings have gates and another 22,040 have flashing warning lights. Also, more than 1,200 have bells, traffic signals and wigwags. These crossings have been the sites of more than 1,895 accidents since 2009. These incidents resulted in nearly 250 fatalities and another 710 injuries. In addition, there were another 430 people killed and 345 injured while they were trespassing on railroad property.

According to Operation Lifesaver, Florida is the second most dangerous state in the country for railroad crossing fatalities. In 2008, there were 25 railroad crossing fatalities in the Sunshine State. Illinois had the most railroad fatalities that year, with 26.

We’re taught from an early age to look left, right and back left again before crossing a street. How many of us do that with a railroad crossing? One would think it would be impossible to miss a large, oncoming train. But it does happen. Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians need to take a few seconds more to look both ways for an oncoming train. It’s a simple step that can save lives. It’s important to remember that a lot of railroad crossing don’t have the flashing warning lights or the caution gates.

In the last 10 years, there have been over 30,000 railroad crossing accidents that have killed over 3,600 people. There are nearly 350 million vehicles that cross over railroad tracks every day. About 50 percent of the collisions that occur at these crossings happen in areas with warning devices. It’s important to practice caution, because you are 40 times more likely to die in an accident with a train than in an accident with another motor vehicle.

In fact, someone dies every two hours in the U.S. at a railroad crossing.

If you or someone close to you has been involved in a Florida train accident, the South Florida personal injury lawyers at Freeman & Mallard can help you understand your rights and are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call today to schedule a free and confidential review of your case, 1-800-529-2368.

Additional Resources:

Bicyclist Struck, Killed by Tri-Rail Train in Fort Lauderdale, by Edward B. Colby, NBC Miami

More Blog Entries:

Fort Lauderdale Tri-Rail Accident Kills Pedestrian, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog January 13, 2012

South Florida train accident a reminder of Florida’s deadly railroad crossings, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, September 1, 2010

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