
AAA Addresses Elderly Drivers’ Increased Risks for Car Accidents in Pompano Beach and Elsewhere

The AAA’s National Senior Driver Expo Tour is still going strong. It has already made stops in more than a dozen cities to raise awareness about senior citizen car accidents in Jupiter. The Expo will be making its way down the east coast of the U.S. later this fall. Aging drivers have always been a concern for AAA, so the Senior Driver Expos is a key part in raising awareness about the dangers that elderly drivers face.

“Like similar community health-fairs, the expos give attendees a hands-on opportunity to try out easy-to-use tools that can keep drivers safer,” said Jake Nelson, AAA director of traffic safety research and analysis.

Our Greenacres car accident attorneys understand how beneficial these events can be. Unfortunately, elderly drivers may not always be able to determine when they’re no longer able to safely navigate our roadways. The AAA Expo includes products and seminars to help senior citizens assess their driving abilities, and to find ways to reduce their risks of traffic accidents by improving their driving skills.

The expo will include the following:

-AAASeniors.com: AAA has provided this website to seniors as a place to access online resources, expert advice, science-based tools and various programs that can be used to help them to identify and discuss many of the issues that are associated with senior driving risks.

-AAA Roadwise Review: This is a computer-based screening tool that lets seniors measure their driving skills that have been scientifically linked to accident risk among senior drivers.

-CarFit: This program is community-based and offers elderly individuals the opportunity to assess their vehicles to see how well they fit their needs to help ensure maximum safety and comfort.

-Smart Features for Mature Drivers: This is a guide that helps elderly individuals to identify features in their vehicle that can help them with mental, physical and visual challenges that many of them face.

Elderly drivers are urged to test out the DriveSharp Calculator. This is an online program that allows seniors to measure their Useful Point of View, which can help to determine just how great their risks are for an accident on our roadways.

Everyone ages differently. It’s important to keep an eye on your elderly loved ones to make sure that they’re not in a position to harm themselves on our roadways because of deteriorating senses. It’s important to stress that handing over their keys doesn’t mean that they’re handing over their independence. There are many ways that elderly residents can get around and enjoy life safely without risking their lives in the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle.

If you or an elderly family member has been injured in a car accident in Lake Worth, Hollywood, Sunrise, St. Lucie or the surrounding areas, contact a personal injury lawyer at Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez, LLC. Call 1-800-561-7777 for a free consultation with an experienced attorney today.

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